
Faith Works Workbook

Faith Works Workbook

Faith Works Workbook

Faith Works Workbook

Faith Works Workbook

Faith Works Workbook

Faith Works Workbook

Faith Works Workbook

What we did

Designed a workbook cover and a PowerPoint slide deck.

Project Overview

In a continuing collaboration with the Max De Pree Center, Dea designed the workbook cover and accompanying PowerPoint slidedeck for one of the De Pree Center's clients. The brief included creating a design that would symbolize multiple elements coming together to form a cohesive whole. The design needed to also bring to mind foundational elements to represent that the Faith Works workbook would help readers discover the building blocks for exercising faith in the workplace.

About the Max De Pree Center for Leadership

The De Pree Center's mission is: "To equip leaders to respond faithfully to God’s callings in all seasons of their life and leadership."


Max De Pree Center for Leadership


Graphic Design


Faith | Leadership


October 11, 2021


Max De Pree Center for Leadership


Graphic Design


Faith | Leadership


October 11, 2021


Thanks so much for your great work on this!

Paul Matsushima
Director of Operations

"Dea did amazing work at coordinating Lenten Gestures.  The reflections and art were not only high quality but reflected a commitment to seize the shifting historical moment that we face."

Juan Sarmiento
Executive presbyter, Presbytery of San Fernando valley

"I am sooo excited to know there are other Christians incorporating movement into their spiritual practices. I think many people are interested in exploring this, but church leaders often hesitate. "

Workshop participant

"I love that Dea believes that everyone’s capacity for creativity and creative living can expand and evolve over time."

Al Han
Pastor, Perch Church

"When people try to do diversity work, this is what it should look like."

Arneshia Williams
2021 Inbreak Resident
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